June 24, 2024
Experienced midwife Prue
As your midwife, it’s my role to assist A/Prof Fiona Brownfoot in providing a range of midwifery services from ultrasounds in early pregnancy to reassuring you in the physical and emotional aspects of antenatal and postnatal care.
It’s important to remember, there is no such thing as a silly question and it’s my role to reassure you on anything and everything pregnancy related. This includes, but is not limited to, blood pressure (testing and management), gastro issues, decreased fetal movements, bleeding in early pregnancy, what food and drinks you should consume (and avoid), the medications you can (and cannot) take and even when you are able to take to the sky.
I’m available to see you in the rooms each Monday and Friday, outside of that, I’m happy to be contacted with any of your concerns Monday, Tuesday and Thursday between 9.00am and 4.00pm.
With such a passion for educating new parents, I’ve also established a business that specialises in delivering online and face to face workshops in both a one-on-one and group settling, my business is called The Baby Rap. Through MOGS, you will have exclusive access to discounted classes, that provide a personalised approach to learning and an inclusive experience. Topics covered include Active Birthing, Safety, Sleep and Settling, Breastfeeding, and My Caesarean ensuring, you feel prepared, empowered and excited about your journey.
I look forward to embarking on this pregnancy journey with you and making this an enjoyable and memorable time for you.
Congratulations on this pregnancy, I look forward to meeting you in rooms very soon.